Table selector

Your tables are getting big? You want the users to be able to select more easily the lines? This plugin is ready for you!

Automatic setup

<table class="has-selector">
			<td>Some title</td>
			<td>Some other title</td>

The HTML is pretty simple: you don't need to add anything if don't want to. But you can also add the appropriate columns if needed:

<table class="has-selector">
			<th class="table-selection-col"><input type="checkbox" checked="checked"></th>
			<th class="table-options-col"></th>
			<th class="table-selection-col"><input type="checkbox" name="posts[]" value="42" checked="checked"></th>
			<td>Some title</td>
			<th class="table-options-col"><!-- Some link maybe? --></th>
			<th class="table-selection-col"><input type="checkbox" name="posts[]" value="7" checked="checked"></th>
			<td>Some other title</td>
			<th class="table-options-col"><!-- Or whatever you want, really… --></th>

By default the first tab of the container is shown.

Manual setup

The manual setup allows you to customize the behavior of the plugin, but also to apply it on a table that would not be created (or not have the appropriate class when the JavaScript is executed.

<table id="my-table">
			<td>Some title</td>
			<td>Some other title</td>
var table = document.getElementById('my-table');

var selector = new Admin2.TableSelector(table);

Custom callback

Whenever the list of selected lines changes, the second parameter (a function) is called:

var table = document.getElementById('my-table');

var selector = new Admin2.TableSelector(table, function () {
	if (selector.checked_lines) {
		selector.options_all.innerText = selector.checked_lines + '/' + selector.lines.length;
	else {
		selector.options_all.innerText = '';

The callback showed here is the one used by default.

Here are some of the available properties and what they look like:

	checked_lines: 1, // An integer that contains the number of selected lines
	lines: [ // An array containing all the rows in the table (header not included)
			elem: HTMLElement, // The <tr> element (will be first in row if created by the plugin)
			checkbox: HTMLElement, // The checkbox in this row
			checked: true, // A boolean to check of thi sline has been selected
			options_col: HTMLElement // The `.table-options-col` cell that contains the options (will be last in row if created by the plugin)
		/* … */
	checkbox_all: HTMLElement, // The `.table-selection-col` cell (will be first if created by the plugin) in the header
	options_all: HTMLElement, // The `.table-options-col` cell (will be last if created by the plugin) in the header
	table: HTMLElement, // The `<table>` passed as first parameter
	header: HTMLElement, // The first `<tr>` in the `<thead>`
	onSelectionChange: Function // The callback to call when the list of selected lines changes